Weekends Are For Family And Giant Cinnamon Rolls

I love weekends!  Not only for the fact that I don’t have to work but also for the time I get to spend with my family.

I had to share this picture of my son one weekend morning when we decided to stop and try some very popular cinnamon rolls.  He looks a little excited don’t you think?

As my kids get older I am enjoying them  so much more.  They are both at an age where they have their own minds, and frequently share their contents, unfiltered.  They are exposed to so much more than I was as a child (i.e. the internet, social media).  In fact, I think my generation is the last to have grown up with an actual corded phone mounted to a wall or a television that you had to get up and physically turn a knob to change a channel.  Mind you, I was very young when we had a television like that.  😉  Remember when cell phones were in a bag? How about cassette or 8-track players?  I actually remember having one of the first VHS players in the house.  The kind with the gigantic tapes you could use as a small dinner tray.

While things have gotten smaller, family time shouldn’t be one of them.  So, we are dedicating at least one weekend day to cinnamon rolls and cyber free activities.  They may whine and groan but I guarantee they’ll remember it.  The older they get they will long for the days when they were forced to disconnect.

About Patti Kenyon

By day, Director of Human Resources at an underground utility company. By night, a mom, a wife, a geek, an xBox gamer, an animal lover, an avid watcher of anything paranormal and a coffee addict. I shoot from the hip. My priorities are God, family, and everything else falls underneath. The blogs I post are my opinion alone and not affiliated with any organization I may be associated with.
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