Common Interview Questions and Answers: Part 2

Behavioral based interview questions are designed to give the interviewer a glimpse of how you would respond to certain situations.  In part 2 of this series, we’ll focus on some of the most common.

Question 1:  Tell me about a time when you didn’t agree with a policy or a procedure. What was it and how did you respond?

Responses to any question of this type are best if they are honest.  The interviewer is looking for your thought process on how you handle a conflict.  If you disagree with the policy or procedure, be prepared with an answer as to why you feel that way.  Stating, “because it’s stupid and doesn’t make sense”, shows the interviewer that you’re closed-minded to certain ideas and lack the ability to effect change when it may be needed. Instead, try saying something like, “I approached my boss and provided some information I’d gathered as to why I thought a change was needed.”  It will show your willingness to be a problem solver.

Question 2:  Has there ever been a time when you couldn’t make an appointment or a meeting?  If so, how did you handle it?

Seems so simple right? They want to know about your attendance. The logical answer is a response indicating you provided some kind of notice of cancellation.  The trick is in the example you use and in how you handle it.

Everyone misses a meeting or appointment.  It’s unavoidable.  If you blow off a meeting with a client because you overslept, no amount of explaining is going to leave a favorable impression with your interviewer. Stick to situations where missing the appointment was absolutely unavoidable due to an infrequent incident.  “I had to reschedule a meeting with a new client due to an unexpected incident.” Note the word “reschedule”, not just cancel.

Question 3:  The random question.

I decided to add this because I’m hearing these types of questions, that seem so random and have nothing to do with the position, are being asked more frequently. Questions like, “If you could be any ingredient in a sandwich, which would you be?  The bun, the condiments, or the meat?”  Let’s not forget the famous left-fielded question from Barbara Walters, during one of her interviews, “If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?”

Though these questions seem really bazaar, they are being asked at all levels.  I’m not quite sure why, but speculate its to identify how creative you are when put on the spot. My best advice would be to take a moment and think.  There is no rule that says you have to answer every question the second after it’s asked.  There is also nothing wrong with asking the interviewer if you can ponder for a moment or two.  It shows your ability to think before you react.

I’d love to hear some of the crazy questions you’ve been asked or have asked.  List them below so we can all share!

Good luck!

About Patti Kenyon

By day, Director of Human Resources at an underground utility company. By night, a mom, a wife, a geek, an xBox gamer, an animal lover, an avid watcher of anything paranormal and a coffee addict. I shoot from the hip. My priorities are God, family, and everything else falls underneath. The blogs I post are my opinion alone and not affiliated with any organization I may be associated with.
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